Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Special: Q and A

Lazy Sunday with the girls

     As you browse over BackyardGrow, you'll undoubtedly have questions about some of the content. You may also have questions not pertaining to anything I've discussed yet, and that is quite alright too. Starting today I'll be running a Q and A type feature every Sunday, where I can address any particular question you may have. You can leave these questions in comment area below, or if you wish to remain anonymous, you may send me a private message. Don't be shy with your questions, and remember that everyone is newbie at some point.

Until next time, this is KidBotanical wishing you luck with all your garden endeavors.


  1. Nice having a Q and A session. Thanks for that.

  2. I'll keep this in mind.. thanks

  3. love the blog man! great idea

  4. Thank you all for your support! You can expect more articles starting tomorrow or Tuesday, and I'll be standing by to answer any questions you may have.

  5. Can't think of any questions right now but I'll be sure to ask when something comes to mind.

  6. My question is: how come all the plants and flowers I try to grow keep dying on me?

    You can visit my NEW blog here.

  7. those are some nice girls dude ;D

    cant wait to see them flower

  8. Cool, don't have much of a garden myself. ;'(

  9. aww damn, i wish i could start again but my parents dont want me too :(
    +1 and following for some tips.

  10. Well P. Davis, I'm afraid I can't really help you without more specific information. Your problem could be nutrient, insect, or water related but I'll need a little more information first.

  11. I dont have green fingers at all, not even a garden :( anyway I followed
